Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My race track

I got the idea to build this track from when I went to my friend Christopher's house. We made the same thing but out of sand. When I got home, I just started building this. I started by gluing a bunch of pieces of scrap wood together. Then I made the track out of chopsticks. I made one tunnel that didn't work. I had to take that apart and build a different one. The tunnel fell apart because I didn't have any supports. It just kind of collapsed. I also put clay on it to make a mountain and that was what made the tunnel collapse. It was too heavy. I took the clay off and then put supports next to it that I'm going to glue the top of the tunnel too. Then I'll add the clay again to make it look like a tunnel going through a mountain. A river and a bridge is also on it. I made a suspension bridge with triangle supports. All that I have left to do is fix the tunnel, put the clay back on top and paint it. I might make some trees and add those.


Anonymous said...

This is SO COOL, Ryder! I wish you and Luke lived close to each other so he could do this kind of thing with you.

turningfamily said...

Hey Ryder! The tunnel and race track in the sandbox is still there...thanks for coming over, I can't wait until you come over again. I'm sick right now.