This is our new family bike. It can hold four people. This bike takes up a lot less room then a tagalong and a bike trailer. We got this bike and sold the tagalong and bike trailer. It's called a Kona Ute cargo bike. I haven't seen one before except ours.
One night a whole bunch of squirrels opened our garage door. They all jumped on our new bike. They rode the bike to their home in a tree on Mt. Hood. But the squirrels wanted to go to Legoland. So the squirrels packed sandwiches and carrots for the big journey. They even had some cucumbers. So they rode their new stolen bike to Legoland. They rode on every single ride. They had a good time. Then they went back home. They went back to our house and put it back in our garage. (by Phelan Dopp)
That is the coolest bike I have ever seen!
Phelan--your story was so funny! I love to picture in my head the squirrels on the bike, and then on the rides at Legoland. Great job!
HAH! The story that Phelan wrote is so hilarious!
What a cool looking bike!
Phelan, how did you get the picture of the squirrel on the bike?
Perfect! I've been looking at the Ute and trying to find someone who uses it for kid hauling. Can you tell me what child seat you have on there? Any other tips/ tricks/ feedback would be most appreciated. Thank you!
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