Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OMSI the Best

If you like science and machines, come visit OMSI. It is a great place. It's got robots, machines, computers that are taken apart so you can see what is inside, animals, dinosaur skeletons and it even has its own cafeteria.

They also have great classes for homeschool kids. Last year I went to Lego Robotics for a year. I learned to program a lego robot to go on a table and do these things like make an elevator go up, make a ball drop down and take something from one side of the table to the other. This year, I am taking a science class. Last week we dissected an own pellet. This week we separated out animals into groups like snakes in one pile, grasshoppers in another. We were supposed to learn what animals live with others.

I like the homeschool classes because they are only for homeschoolers. After all the classes, we get to play at OMSI which is the most fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your explanation of what Omsi has to offer makes me wish I could go to Omsi too. I wish Alexandra was old enough to be in some of the classes. They sound really fun and informative.
I've had fun reading your blog.
Can't wait for the next entry!